ஸ்ரீ லலிதா த்ரிஶதீ - ஸ்லோகம் -8 [35-38] "ஏ"

 ஏகாதபத்ரஸாம்ராஜ்யப்ரதா³ சைகாந்தபூஜிதா .

ஏத⁴மானப்ரபா⁴ சைஜத³னேகஜக³தீ³ஶ்வரீ .. 8..

35 ஏகாதபத்ர ஸாம்ராஜ்யப்ரதா 

ஒரு குடையின் கீழ் பல ராஜ்யங்களை ஆளும் சக்ரவர்த்திப்பதவியை அளிப்பவள் . 

36 ஏகாந்த பூஜிதா 

ஏகாந்தத்தில் பூஜித்தற்குரியவள் . 

37. ஏத மானப்ரபா 

அனைத்திலும் ஏற்றமான பிரகாசமுடையவள் . 

38. ஏஜதனேக  ஜகதீச்வரி

அசைந்து கொண்டிருக்கும் ஜகத்தனைத்திற்கும் ஈசுவரீ . 

* 35 * Ekatha pathra samrajya pradha - She who gives you the power of the emperor of the world

* 36 * Ekanda poojitha - She who can be worshipped in absolute solitude

* 37 * Edhamana prabha - She who has the foremost luster

* 38 * Ejadeneka jagadeeswari - She who is the goddess of all the moving world


Salutations to the Mother, who gives* kingdom equal to a basket (universal kingdom under one roof) if* a devotee prays for it. This does not give moksha. Aykaathapathra, means when jeevaathma* gets unified with Paramathma.* When we realize the self, there is divine*bliss and this comes from Akhanda Brahma jnanam (knowledge that self and Brahman are one and the same). Devi*gives the asset of salvation.

36. Om Aykaantha Poojithaayai Namaha

Salutations to the Mother, who is worshiped in absolute solitude, in a cave, by the side of a river, or peak of a mountain, ‘Aham Brahmasmi’. Devi loves being worshiped in the cave of our hearts.

37. Om Aydamaana Prabhaayai Namaha

Salutations to the Mother, who herself is radiance and whose radiance increases day by day. From her all rays proceed. All radiance comes from her, the glow of any created object comes from her.* Devi is self luminous, illumining* the intellect, the mind, the sun, the moon, stars, fire and lightning.* When she shines every thing shines after her,*all these shine by her light. Devi has the foremost luster,*whose brightness increases day by day.* Sun, moon, stars, and lightning get their illumination from her,*their light cannot be compared to the effulgence of Devi. "Om Na Thatra Suryo Bhaathi Na Chandra Thaarakam. Nema vidyutho Bhaathi kuthoyamaghnihi Thamevaa Bhaantha Manu Bhaanthi Sarvam Thasya Bhaasaa Sarvamidam Vibhaathi" - Say the Vedas.

38. Om Ayjadaneja Jjagadheeswaryai* Namaha

Salutations to the Mother, who is the protector of both movable and immovable objects in this universe. All living things are movable. Trees, rocks and earth are immovable. Devi is the creator, protector, and destroyer, who showers her grace on every one.



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