ஸ்ரீ லலிதா த்ரிஶதீ - ஸ்லோகம் 1 - [1 to 6 ] "க"


 ககாரரூபா கல்யாணீ கல்யாணகு³ணஶாலினீ .

கல்யாணஶைலநிலயா கமனீயா கலாவதீ .. 1..

1. ககார –ரூபா

பஞ்சதசாக்ஷரீ மந்திரத்தின் முதலெழுத்தாகிய ககார வடிவினள் . ( ஓம் கம் பிரம்ம , க்கம் பிரம்ம | யத்வாவ கம் , ததேவக்கம் | " கம் " என்பது ஆனந்தத்தையும் , "க்கம் " ஆகாசத்தையும் குறிக்கும் . இருதயாகாசத்தில் விளங்கும் ஆன்ம சுகம் எதுவோ அதுவே பிரம்மம் . " க" என்பது பிரகாசத்தையும் குறிக்கும் . பிரகாசத்தையும் , ஆனந்தத்தையும் நமக்கு தருபவள் 

2. கல்யாணீ  : 

பரம மங்கள வடிவானவள் ( ஓம் சர்வ மங்கள மாங்கல்யே ---) - அவளை நினைப்பவர்களுக்கு மங்களத்தை அள்ளி அள்ளித்தருபவள் 

3.கல்யாண கு3ண ஸாலினீ

பரம மங்களமான குணங்களோடு கூடியவள் .

4. கல்யாண சைல நிலயா

பரம மங்களமாகிய , மேரு மலையின் உச்சியில் உறைபவள் . 

5. கமனீ யா

மனதைக்கவரும் வடிவுடையவள் - அழகின் இருப்பிடம் . 

6. கலாவதீ

ஞான கலைகளுடனும் , சந்திர கலைகளுடனும் விளங்குபவள். 

1  Kakara Roopa - She who is like the alphabet ‘ka’-This alphabet ‘ka’ represents light- This is also the first letter of the Pancha dasakshari manthra

1. Om kakaara Roopaayai Namaha

Salutations to the Mother, who is in the form of the letter Ka. ka is synonymous with Brahman who created the Universe. Devi is the manifestation of Kadi Vidya. It is the first letter in the Panchadasi Mantra. It comes first among syllables and nourishes the other syllables. Ka means Brahma, Water, Head, and Happiness. Brahma who controls the Universe. Water, life giving source to other living forms. Head is the place where Amrutham (nectar) is stored in all living beings. In Yogins when the Kundalini rises from Mooladhara to Sahasrara, Kulamrutham is emitted which fiows through the 72,000 channels in our body. This is where Shakthi from Mooladhara meets Lord Siva in Sahasrara and the Yogi attains Liberation. According to the Vedas, Kam, Ram and Ham means she is the Happiness in the Chidakasa manifesting as Happiness in the Dhaharakasa.This is how Ka gives Liberation through Sri Vidya Mantra. One who preaches Ka syllable becomes Siva himself. Ka is the Auspicious one , giver of pleasure. Doing the Archana whole heartedly, with kumkum, Akshathas, and Flowers and Bilva leaves gently with devotion to the Idol, Vilakku (lamp), SriChakra, and Meru, bestows the grace of Devi on her Devotees. Namaha means "nothing is mine, every thing is yours'.

Ka deals with the infinite. It is used when one is unable to describe adequately the Anantha kalyana gunas (vast giories of the Goddess) of the infinite. KA represents Light, pranams to Devi who is that Light.

2 Kalyani - She who makes good things to happen

2. Om kalyaanyai Namaha

Salutations to the Mother, who is Blissful Auspiciousness (sukha swaroopini). In this Universe, from the blade of Grass, smallest insect, to the higher forms, all seek Sukham or Pleasure, be it a Sadhu, king or Brahman. The pleasure we seek is like droplets in an Ocean compared to the Mother, who is the Ocean of Bliss. Pranams to the Devi who is the Manifestation of Pleasure and Auspiciousness.

 3 Kalyana- guna shalini - She who is personification of good qualities

3. Om kalyaana Gunasaalinyai Namah:

Salutations to the Mother, who has the attributes of True Motivation (sathya sankalpa) and True Desire (sathya aasai). The Vedas proclaim that she is -kevalam- Absolute and is a Witness. The Sahasranama says that she is Nirguna -meaning attributeless, without any form. However, it is not wrong to imagine her in Saguna form. The Devi bestows her grace on Devotees who worship her with these above mentioned qualities. Devotees should identify these qualities with her as SHE is indeed the manifestation of these qualities.

 4  Kalyana shaila nilaya - She who resides at the peak of the mountain of good

4. Om kalyaana Saila Nilayaayai Namaha:

Salutations to the Mother, who dwells on the Mountain of Auspiciousness. Kalyaanam, means Happiness, Pleasure. Devi is the embodiment of pleasure without any traces of pain, She dwells in us in the Anandamaya kosha. Normally the summit of a Mountain is of hard rock without any soil or trees. She is like a hard rock of Bliss at the summit of the Mountain Meru, which is Mangalakaram (auspiciousness)

5  Kamaniya - She who is attractive

5. Om kamaneeyaayai Namaha: 

Salutations to the Mother, who is the Epitome of Love. She is the abode of Happiness and Pleasure. In this universe, every being seeks for pleasure and is satisfied when his/her desires are fulfilled. This desire for pleasure steals the Manas (mind), which is never satisfied. The Devi, who is the embodiment of supreme Love and the pinnacle of Pleasure is enchantingly Beautiful and Divine Atma Swaroopam and hence is called kamaneeya. She manifests herself through the Ishta Devatha, (the favorite God for the Devotee) the Devotee worships, bestowing her grace to them through their worship.

6  Kalavathi - She in whom fine arts reside

6. Om kalaavathyai Namaha :

Salutations to the Mother, who is the manifestation of sixty four fine Arts (kalas). She is fond of Poetry, Dancing, Music, and chanting of the Vedas. She is in fact, the Home of all Arts. In Lalitha Sahasranama She is described as 'Chathushshashti kalaamayi,' which means master of sixty four kalas. She is the sixty four kalas in the moon. The Moon, which is known as Chandrakala, is worn by Devi as a Crown on her fore head. Kalas also mean parts of our body like Head, Arms and Legs. She gives Darshan to her Devotees in her Saguna form with all the Limbs when they meditate on her.




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